Chris and Linda Padgett
Does your parish or diocese give couples all the tools they need to build happy marriages?
Ours didn't...
But after over 30 years and 9 kids of happily ever after, we've learned a thing or two. And believe it or not, we've discovered the Church actually has a lot of practical wisdom for building stronger and more joy-filled marriages.
Now we want to help you inspire engaged couples in your parish or diocese with the Church's practical wisdom for building marriages according to God's blueprint.
Discover the Church's best tools for building awesome marriages, without the cringey pop-psychology exercises.
Let us be your guides, not your replacements.
Marriage is no joke!
Couples need the right tools for building happier, more joy-filled marriages. And believe it or not, hidden deep within her rich teachings on marriage and family life, the Catholic Church has those tools!
So how can you translate the Church's rich teachings on marriage and family into practical and actionable wisdom for the couples you're forming?
We'll show you!
Build happier, stronger, more joy-filled marriages using God's blueprint.
Join us at the BAR:
Building Authentic Relationships
We designed Building Authentic Relationships (the BAR) to bring young couples and veteran couples together, so that young couples can glean wisdom from the veterans, and veteran couples can rediscover the enthusiasm of young love.
Your parish or diocesan BAR meets in small groups once or twice a month, watches a short video together, and then responds to a series of questions specially designed to trigger good times, get folks laughing, encourage couples to share their wisdom and stories, and remind couples why they fell in love to begin with.
Download your step-by-step guide for bringing the BAR to your parish or diocese
Sign up for free teachable sample content. Learn More
Start building stronger and more joy-filled marriages today!
The tools are all there. We'll help you discover them, and teach you how to share them.