Most Catholic marriage-prep today does little to prepare couples for the challenges they'll face after saying "I do."
And that's not your fault!
Most Catholic marriage prep programs are great at presenting the Church's rich teaching on marriage and family life.
But they do little to translate that rich teaching into practical and actionable steps for living it.

Believe it or not, after 2000+ years of history, the Catholic Church has a great deal of practical for couples wisdom beyond "work on your communication and practice NFP"!

That's why Linda and Chris Padgett - founders of the Center for Holy Marriage and authors of Not Ready for Marriage, Not Ready for Sex; Holy Marriage, Happy Marriage; and Marriage & Ministry - are creating comprehensive and affordable courses that translate the Church's 2000+ years of rich teachings on marriage and family life into practical and actionable steps for building happy, holy, more joy-filled marriages.
No topic is left unexplored. No question left unasked. If it touches on the world of marraige, we dive into it...




Family Life
These courses are in-depth. We explore all the heady stuff - the what and why of Church teaching. But we don't stop there. Our primary goal is to show you how all that heady stuff has real-world impact. We'll translate it into practical and actionable wisdom for married couples - whether they've been married for 60 minutes or 60 years.